PCT 2023: Day 0

Ready for launch. (Right as I begin typing this the cows in the pen across the dirt road begin mooing. It’s almost 10pm - well past hiker midnight)

My cousin and spouse, trail names Hammer and Caboose, sent me off in style with a hot homemade meal at the trailhead before we said our goodbyes.

I’m cowboy camped at a hiker friendly designated area in an equestrian center about a quarter mile from the start of the Pacific Crest Trail and the US/Mexico border. It’s like Christmas Eve. Tomorrow is Day #1 on my second thru-hike attempt of this National Scenic Trail spanning 2,650 miles.

The volunteers that run this campsite will serve breakfast at 6am tomorrow. My plan is to check-in with the PCTA volunteers when they arrive at the trailhead at 6:30am and then hit the trail.

Even though I begin in about 8 hours from now it still doesn’t seem like it’s real.

Time for sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a big day. Let’s goooooo!


PCT 2023: Day 1